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  • Writer's pictureMonique Schmidt Weymans

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday! One of the things we get to do here at the Aaron Hur Group is to partner with some amazing pastors and churches! Our team has been praying for you and all the volunteers that are making sure that everything is ready as we prepare for today’s Good Friday services and this weekend’s Easter services! Such an exciting but also very busy time for those who serve on staff with a church. We are grateful for you and we are praying for all you do this weekend as you share the greatest story ever told!

As you are preparing for this weekend and as you walk through this Good Friday, I hope that you take a moment and reflect. Pause and take the time to thank God for what this day means. Because of His death, he opened to us a new life! Thousands of years ago the Savior of the world died for our sins. Without today there’s no Easter, without today we would all be in line to sacrifice a goat that served as only a substitute.

If you are reading this you are probably on a church staff somewhere, a ministry leader, a kingdom worker…and it is very likely that you are running around and finishing up things for services. You may be taking a break from preparing messages, setting up rooms, setting out hammers and nails, putting packaged communion into baskets to check your email, and you came across this message. If that's you I want to share some advice I once heard, “Jesus died for the church, you don’t have to… nothing you do will cause Him to love you any more or any less.” That doesn’t mean do less, I tell you this to encourage you on the very high chance you are in need of a perspective change!

Today on the literal day that He died, I hope wherever you are serving Him that you are doing it with a grateful heart, one that is so thankful that you are on this side of that tomb that you get to tell people about the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you weren’t a minute ago, I hope you are now. I hope you go into that chapel, auditorium, or school cafeteria and pray for every single person that will walk in there, that their hearts, ears and minds will be open to hear, and that God will give them the courage to take their next step in faith, and last but not least pray for your colaborers, their families, their loved ones…may they serve knowing they are serving the One that did the ultimate act of service.

Today on this day, may you bow your head in thankfulness and humility while also standing tall knowing that we are just three days away from the greatest plot twist ever! Sunday is Coming! Happy Easter Weekend from all of us here with the Aaron Hur Group! Cheering you on!



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